Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

Will Artificial Intelligence leave me jobless?

Perhaps this idea has crossed your mind in recent months, and it’s actually a complex issue to address. While it’s true that we’ve seen AI have many applications in various areas, it still has many errors and is always supervised by a team of programmers, making it costly.

It all started with memes and images flooding social media, which led some users to believe they are real. You see, the companies that have developed and released these projects have done so in a limited way, so that they are used correctly to a certain extent—in other words, to prevent things from getting out of control. Imagine receiving a compromising photo from a stranger threatening you; that’s when misuse is thought to occur. Even OpenAI has restricted its most widely used tool, ChatGPT, to only have access to preloaded information until January 2022.

I have asked some questions to let the tool itself describe its capabilities and limitations.

Questions to ChatGTP

Questions to ChatGTP

How do you describe yourself?


I am a language model developed by OpenAI called GPT-3.5. My main function is to process and generate text in response to the questions and requests you make. I am trained in a wide variety of topics and can provide information, assistance with problems, generate creative text, and more. However, please note that I do not have consciousness, emotions, or personal experiences. I am here to assist you to the best of my abilities. How can I assist you today?

Why do you define yourself as a development model and not as an AI?


The reason I describe myself as a “language model” is to provide a more specific explanation of my main function. Although I am a form of artificial intelligence (AI), the term “language model” highlights my main capability: processing and generating text based on the provided context. Through my training, I have learned linguistic patterns and have the ability to understand and generate text coherently.

However, it is important to note that my design and function are part of a broader approach to artificial intelligence. Describing me as a “language model” emphasizes how I have been trained and for what primary purpose.

In summary, I am a specific form of AI known as GPT-3.5, designed to work with natural language and provide responses based on the data I was trained on.

What kind of person do you think uses you?


As a language model developed by OpenAI, I do not have the ability to know the identity or specific characteristics of the users who interact with me. My design focuses on privacy, and I do not have access to information about users unless it is provided to me during the conversation for the context of the current interaction.

In general, my use can vary widely. People from various backgrounds, such as students, professionals, developers, technology enthusiasts, writers, among others, can use my capabilities to obtain information, assistance in problem-solving, generate content, or explore different topics.

It is important to note that the diversity of users reflects the variety of applications that can be derived from a language model like me. Anyone interested in interacting with me can do so to get answers to questions, assistance in generating content, or simply to explore diverse topics.

As of today, can you replace any work process or job position?


As of my last update in January 2022, language models like GPT-3.5 can perform certain specific tasks and provide assistance in various areas. However, they cannot completely replace complex work processes or job positions. They can be useful tools for tasks such as text generation, automatic translation, answering questions, and assisting in writing, but their use is more in line with improving efficiency and productivity rather than completely replacing jobs.

—————————————— End of Conversation ——————————

It’s important to consider that the implementation of technologies like artificial intelligence can change the nature of some jobs, automating certain routine tasks and allowing professionals to focus on more complex and strategic activities. However, the relationship between technology and employment is a complex issue and depends on various factors, including business and governmental policies.

Applications of AI that we use today without realizing it

AI Applications Without you know it

Now tasks are listed in which AI is being used today and is imperceptible to anyone.

Route planning and travel: Map applications use artificial intelligence algorithms to find the most efficient routes, predict traffic, and suggest points of interest.

  • Virtual assistants: In addition to me, there are other virtual assistants like Apple’s Siri, Google Assistant, and Amazon Alexa that can help with daily tasks such as setting reminders, configuring alarms, sending messages, etc.
  • Voice recognition: Voice recognition systems, such as those used in smartphones and car navigation systems, allow users to dictate text messages, perform internet searches, and control smart home devices without the need to write. Like Maps or Waze.
  • Product and content recommendations: AI algorithms are used by music and video streaming platforms, as well as online stores, to offer personalized recommendations based on purchase or viewing history. Nowadays, YouTube, Netflix, Spotify, or Amazon use this.
  • Email filtering: Many email services use artificial intelligence to filter spam and automatically organize messages into categories such as inbox, notifications, promotions, etc. Actually, it’s done by sophisticated network devices or data filtering servers that examine data frames from emails.
  • Fraud detection: Artificial intelligence systems can detect unusual patterns in financial transactions and alert users to possible fraudulent activities. This is regularly done in online stores, especially in retail.
  • Financial data analysis: In the business field, artificial intelligence is used to analyze large amounts of financial data and make predictions about market trends, investment risks, etc. This is actually one of the areas that has been used for years.
  • Automation of repetitive tasks: Chatbots and AI-based customer service systems can respond to frequently asked questions and solve common problems without human intervention. You got it, they are the chats that flood all customer service sites today.

How can I take advantage of AI in fun ways?

Funny Uses to IA

Artificial intelligence can also be used to create fun and entertaining experiences. Here are some ways you can enjoy AI in a more playful context:

  • Video games: Many video games use artificial intelligence to enhance gameplay, create more realistic and challenging non-player characters, and generate dynamic and adaptive environments.

    Entertainment chatbots: Interactive chatbots can be created to provide entertainment, such as telling jokes, playing word games, or engaging in fun conversations.
  • Art generation: Artificial intelligence can be used to generate digital art, including paintings, music, sculptures, and graphic design. Some projects use AI algorithms to create unique and surprising works of art.
  • Filter and effects applications: Social media and photo editing applications use artificial intelligence to apply filters, effects, and fun animations to images and videos.

    Entertainment robotics: Robots and robotic devices can be created to provide entertainment, such as toy robots, robotic pets, and racing drones.
  • AI-powered games: Some people enjoy challenging artificial intelligence systems in strategy games like chess, Go, or specific video games designed to compete against advanced AI.

    Augmented reality and virtual reality applications: Augmented reality and virtual reality applications can use artificial intelligence to provide interactive and fun experiences, such as games, virtual tours, and simulators.


As seen today, all uses of AI require assistance or support from a human to operate. There are uses of AI for repetitive tasks that may be caused by their nature for humans. For now, the jobs of many people are safe, but as with everything, improvements will come. As of today, it is an expensive tool if specialized for a company or a specific project, and those we see today are, as mentioned, limited and not updated. The ones we have access to today come in both open-source and paid versions, and obviously the latter has more power or applications that we can utilize.

And you, what would you use AI assistance for today?

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